In order to file for divorce in the state of California, you must meet the following residency requirements:
For example, if you recently relocated to Los Angeles and you are hoping to file for divorce in California Superior Court, County of Los Angeles, you will have to establish residency in Los Angeles for three months.
Once you file your divorce paperwork, you are required by law to wait six months and one day before the divorce becomes final.
California is a no-fault divorce state. This means that a court can grant the dissolution of a marriage if it finds irreconcilable differences, therefore, one spouse can end the marriage even if the other spouse does not wish to do the same. Basically, California courts do not search for fault, a divorce is granted if one party requests it. In fact, a dissolution of marriage often appears as the division of a business partnership on one side and custody, visitation and support of minors on the other side. Commonly, upon entering a divorce, our clients are interested in resolving the following issues:
Elisa Blum Divorce Lawyer tells you that all Divorce Matters are heard in the Supreme Court of the State of Downey, CA. A divorce is a difficult situation for anyone to go through. You want an experienced divorce attorney whose entire practice is devoted to the areas of matrimonial and family law. Call us now at 562-927-1833 & hire the best divorce attorney in Downey CA.
Every divorce lawyer understands that divorce is an emotionally exhausting process. At the Law Office of Elisa Blum, Our Downey divorce lawyers are genuinely concerned for every client and family we represent, and we can help you obtain a divorce that meets your needs.
If you suspect that your divorce or other family law matter was the product of an error in law or fact, you should consult an experienced family law lawyer in Downey. At Law Office of Elisa Blum, our experienced family law attorney focuses primarily on legal disputes involving California family law, including family law appeals.
If you are looking for a qualified family law attorney in Downey, you should reach out to Law Office of Elisa Blum with over 25 years of legal experience; our legal team has what it takes to preserve your legal rights and the best interests of your family. If you are seeking a family law attorney who provides quality legal service and has a tradition of integrity and technical expertise, then you have arrived at the right place.
There are two types of custody, legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody is about making decisions in the lives of your children, primarily in the areas of health and education. Physical custody dictates where the children physically reside and how the time is split between the parents.
Law Offices of Elisa Blum, led by experienced child custody lawyer in Downey CA, helps separating couples find a mutual ground on matters related to the future of their children. We understand that divorce proceedings can be taxing for both parents and children. By extending the expertise of affordable child custody attorney in Downey, we help you protect your child’s interests, without having to run from pillar to post. Our Downey child custody attorney leverage extensive experience and deep legal knowledge to ensure a secure future for your child. Contact us to speak with an experienced, low-cost, and professional child custody lawyer in Downey who will help you, whether you are a mother or a father of a child.
Child support is basically the amount of money that one party pays to the other party to help take care of their children. Although parties have different expenses, the judge looks at a few important legal factors such as the time split of the parties and their earnings. You want an experienced Child Custody lawyer whose entire practice is devoted to the areas of Child Custody & Child Support. Call us now at 562-927-1833 & hire the best Child Custody attorney in Downey CA.
California is a community property state. In California, assets and possession accumulated between the date of marriage and the date of separation are divided between the parties.Assets, gifts, and inheritance acquired before marriage may be considered separate property. An experienced litigation attorney can help you determine which assets must be split and which you can keep.
Spousal support (formerlyknownas alimony) is money given from the higher earning spouse to the lower earning spouse. Many factors are taken into consideration to determine spousal support. A few of the factors considered are the income of each spouse, whether either spouse is paying child support, assets of the parties and length of marriage.A good mediation attorney can help you determine the right amount of support you will give or receive.